Which Market Segment Should You Go After?
What we’d like to discover in this article is the few markets segments you should go after in order to maximize your growth in this Covid19 situation.

The above graph is showing 2 things:
- The decrease in annual sales of most of the market segments such as:
- US Traditional food in the full service segment
- Sandwiches consumption in FSR and LSR
- The gain made by LSR on coffee
- What is more interesting is, and this is what the grey part is showing is that: There is a few market segments who increased their sales in this pandemic.
Who are the winners of this pandemic?

Who are these operators you should go after tomorrow morning?
- First, we observe that operators with some specific menu type do much better than others.
- Second, we observe that the small chains outperform the big ones
- The Covid19 promoted Operators that offer
- Delivery & take-out services
- Outdoor Seating, because it’s much easier to keep social distancing
With an High confidence level. Meaning operators that are more than likely to remain open based their financial capability and the traffic evolution based on #reviews
All of this brings us to the following conclusion:
There is an ideal type of operator you should go after in this pandemic.
These are operators with specific menu types, that offer delivery & take out services, outdoor seating, with an high number of reviews, are part of a small chain.

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Get in touch with us: sales@chd-expert.com