Pizza is the overwhelming favorite in the US
By Jolien Demeyer
in2021, Data Insights, Food Articles, US
Jan 2021 – Every once in a while, it’s illuminating and inspiring to those of us who write regularly about pizza to take a statistical joyride on the highway of pizza popularity.
Yes, the U.S. has a love affair with pizza. Here are a few pizza data facts to show the enormity of this statement.
- Pizza is a $30 billion industry in the U.S.
- Pizzerias represent 10 percent of all Full Service & Quick Service restaurants. There are about 73,000 pizzerias in the U.S, and 21,000 Italian – Pizza & Pasta restaurants.
- On average, each person in the U.S. eats 25 pounds of pizza each year, or about 46 slices. This amounts to 100 acres of pizza each day or about 350 slices per second.
- Ninety-four percent of all Americans eat pizza regularly, and 36 percent consider breakfast pizzas the perfect breakfast
- Pizza Hut & Domino’s are the chain leaders
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