Qualitative and quantitative research in foodservice, restaurant & hospitality.

Qualitative and quantitative research in foodservice, restaurant & hospitality
Market research is an invaluable process for an expanding organization. It can help you make evidence-based decisions backed up by facts and true market reactions.
CHD conducts both Qualitative and Quantitative market research on both the foodservice and restaurant industry to provide you with the insights you need to make right business decisions.
We collect, analyze and draw conclusions about data so you can better understand markets, product usage, or consumer and operator desires.
We provide Ad Hoc research, which is customized and conducted to produce and uncover findings for your particular needs, be it in the restaurant or hospitality space.
Common tactics we use to conduct market research include:
Online Panels – Focus Groups – In depth or semi-directive interviews
Direct observation – Experiments and trials
CATI – Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing
CAWI – Computer Assisted
Web Interviewing
Market Barometer
Multi Country Studies
More Market & Consumer Insights
Other Product Solutions
Increase your market share with the CHD Foodservice Database and access over 8.7 million global foodservice operators. Find the data that best suits your needs.
Increase your conversion rate and don’t want to waste time on leads who are not serious. So how do you filter through the noise to locate the best leads?
Get in the right door faster. Have a clean dataset that is actionable, consistent and accurate. Match your data with our dataset, as restaurants are opening & closing all the time.