Customer Case – Targeting profitable foodservice leads

How to target your most profitable leads?
Makro is an international brand of warehouse clubs, also called cash and carries. Ownership of the worldwide chain of stores is split between three companies: Metro AG in Europe, SHV Holdings in Latin America, and CP ALL in Asia
An outdated and large database was used, so no clue who to go after first and who to target first?
The lead scoring tool provided by CHD Expert showed the customer how to target their most profitable leads.
A tool that takes into account different foodservice criteria like menu type, annual sales, social review, traffic evolution…
On top of that own stores of Makro / Metro where added. By doing that the sales manager could easily select customers in a certain radius around their own stores and could really target the most profitable leads.
We increased our market share up to 4% by accessing new operators” Makro